Well we've already had snow this month (yes, June), so there goes my idea of an awesome summer.
Ahh well. The weather is what it is, and trying to predict it is impossible. The weatherman with all his technology can't even get it right, so there's no point in trying.
In other news, I am almost completely done with the tech industry. I hate going to work each day, and I'm tired of hearing about issues with this, and issue with that. I desperately need a change of scenery, and a BIG change of job. Currently, I'm planning on sticking with it, because I'm finally making enough money to pay my debts. One was finished on Friday, the next one should be done by the end of the month. All that leaves is my car, and I'm free and clear after that!!
I attempted to make meatloaf tonight for my dinners for work. The directions said cook for 50 minutes, then put tomato sauce on it, then cook for 10 minutes. Had I done that, I would have been eating pink hamburger for a week (not that I would). It took me 2.5 HOURS to cook the damn thing. I am never making meatloaf ever again. Geez!
Finally, last week I came back from one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever seen. It was absolutely amazing and I wish the couple the best. It couldn't have gone better.
I wish this could be more interesting, but alas, that's my life.