I'm not sure if it's the weather and the unsafe driving conditions, but I haven't made any major progress making friends. This time of year normally makes me really happy, but for some reason I'm having a tough time getting into it. I decorated my place, even put lights out around my windows outside, but I haven't gone insane with the decorating like I normally do. When my sister arrives tomorrow night by airplane, I'm sure she will not be happy with the state of my apartment. I'm also sure she'll open up the door to all my boxes and will draw shit out and decorate it with my help until there's almost nothing left in the boxes. I wouldn't normally mind, but then I have to put everything away.
Another thing that's bothering me is I'm having troubles at work. I normally pick up on things really easily, but this job has so much to it, I feel like I'm falling behind. Unfortunately that means that I'm getting snippy at my co-workers when I don't understand something, which absolutely is not their fault. I know this, and I can't seem to stop myself. When I come in again on the 29th I am going to do my absolute best to stop being so bitchy to everyone and to buckle down and learn as much as I can about this job.
I can't wait for everyone to get here, and for all of this to be over. I need to start saving money to pay off the credit card (not that it will be hard, it just hasn't been done yet and has been weighing in on my brain a lot lately) and then join the gym. We only have a few weeks of this -29 crap and then it will get much better and will hover around the -8. Temperatures like that make it a lot easier to want to get up and go to the gym. It's really been bothering me (and no, it hasn't escaped my attention that this could be the cause of all my frustration at work) that I haven't been going. I've noticed I'm feeling like crap a LOT lately, and I'm ready to stop feeling that way.
Plans for tomorrow include:
Baking 2 pumpkin pies
Baking oreo cheesecake
Taking the sister shopping
Resting and drinking a lot with her
Playing cards
And before she gets into town:
Cleaning the house like never before. I have been very lazy with the whole cleaning thing, haven't really been into it dammit. I've done what needs to be done, but haven't felt a whole lot better after it was all done.
What's wrong with me lately, geez? Maybe it's the altitude...